We’re eager to share that our team successful completed the Dry Test of our Next-Generation E-PHTM Pipe Hydrostatic Testing Machine

August 27, 2024 | News and Events

Our R&D team and engineers have pushed the boundaries once again, further reducing cycle times and enhancing overall performance. Customers are already calling it a “technological marvel.”

Here are some of the key new features:
● Increased testing capacity with fully automatic setup control
● Enhanced pressure control using integrated smart sensors
● User-friendly interface for easier operation
● Remote monitoring capabilities for better oversight
● No limitations on testable length increments

These advancements underscore our commitment to delivering more robust, flexible, and high-capacity E-PHTM—essential for maintaining the highest quality standards in EFW® Technology.

Stay tuned as we prepare to pack and ship this innovative machine to its final destination!

For more details about the new E-PHTM, click the button below to connect with our support team.

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